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Tree Ministry Prayer

PREFACE: It is VERY important to do a formal opening prayer, engaging Jesus and the person’s spirit as much as possible. It may even look like taking communion in the spirit, transitioning into the realm of God (El Shaddai & the Secret Place have been the most effective in my experience), or speaking scripture about the Garden and the Throne of God. It’s important to put up smoke screens, faraday cages and other protective agents and angels in place before engaging also. This will make for a more fruitful tree ministry session.

1. Father, we thank you and praise your name as you transition us into your garden. We transition into the place where you have placed your throne and raised up your trees of righteousness (Isaiah 41:19; Isaiah 60:13).

2. Jesus, thank you for taking ___________ by the hand and leading him/her/them to their tree. (Allow time for this person to see their tree.) We also thank you, Jesus for the angels involved in this ministry. They are made ministering spirits to the heirs of salvation; therefore, their work with us and the trees is the accomplishment of their assignments. We specifically thank you, Jesus, for the arbor angels that assist is the tree ministry. We are thankful for the other types of angels that may come forth to engage in the work also.

a. If they cannot see their tree: Thank you, Jesus, for taking ____________ by the hand and leading him/her/them to the Tree of Life found in the midst of the garden with the river of living water flowing from it. We thank you that the Tree of Life is you, Jesus. And we engage with it and you. We thank you that the Tree of Life contains the twelve kinds of fruit for feeding the nations. We thank you that the tree’s leaves are used to heal the nations. As this person engages with your tree, Jesus, they may take of the fruit to eat, the water to drink, and the leaves to apply to brokenness and woundedness.

Sometimes, a person may not see their tree during the entire session. That’s okay! If they can interface with the Tree of Life, they will eventually be shown their tree. Don’t give up! Once a person’s tree has been located in the spirit, we can apply these ministry techniques.

3. Thank you, Jesus, that you are the great Sower. You are the Sower of men and women’s hearts. You break up the stony soil. You prepare the fallow land to receive your good seed. Thank you for maintaining the soil in which this tree is anchored. (We are allowing Jesus to work the soil around the tree. There may be stones, weeds, or a lack of nutrients that hinder root health. It’s important to take some time here to see what Jesus wants to do with the soil.)

Examples of the work: Jesus or the angels will break up stones and hard ground, they will pull weeds and tares, and they will add nutrients to the soil. We have seen them use gold dust as fertilizer and a frequency enhancer. Fresh manna has been applied to the soil. The river of living water may also need to interface with the soil. The arbor angels will also retrieve leaves, bark, and other material from the Tree of Life to create a nutrient rich mulch then use it to cover the soil at the base of the tree. Be open to any other new ways Jesus would enhance the soil, making it good ground to receive his good seed.

4. Thank you, Jesus that you are the root of Jesse (Isaiah 11:1) and the rich root of the olive tree (Romans 11: 17). Your Word declares that those that believe and trust in the Lord will be like a tree planted by the waters, that spreads out its roots by the river. Thank you for the roots of ______________’s tree. Thank you that the river of living water encourages the tree to stretch out its roots. Your Word declares that the surviving remnant of the house of Judah will again take root downward and bear fruit upward. For out of Jerusalem will come a remnant and from Mount Zion a band of survivors. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will do this (Isaiah 37:31, 32). Thank you, Jesus, that you cause ________________ ‘s tree and roots to push deeper toward you. Jesus, as these roots are being examined and healed, I thank you for your arbor angels engaged in the work. I thank you that any Kabbalistic tree roots are exposed. We equip the arbor angels with the axe of the Lord (Matthew 3:10) in the form of tiny scalpels and declare that all ungodly roots are cut and severed in Jesus’s name. We thank you that this intricate work causes no damage to _______________’s tree or its root system. We also declare that as the roots are disconnected, they are cauterized with liquid gold injections. This seals the roots and keeps enemy infiltrators from reconnecting and siphoning off ______________’s vitality, inheritance, life force, and other substances. We also declare that the arbor angels actively connect ______________’s tree roots to the roots of the Tree of Life, the root of Jesse just as the wild olive branches were grafted into the rich root of the olive tree. We declare and remember that it is not us who supports the root, but the root, Jesus, that supports us (Romans 11:17, 18).

It is important to note here that it may be needed to engage the Freedom from Kabbalah Tree Prayer by Daniel Duval, depending on what comes up during the root session.

5. Thank you, Jesus, for the trunk of ____________’s tree. We actively engage the arbor angels as they inspect the tree for any signs of damage or ministry need. (The bark and trunk ministry will depend on the type of tree the person is seeing. Sometimes, bark will be missing like they have been “rubbed the wrong way.” They may be leaning or “bent out of shape.” There may be holes in the trunk. It is important to discern what is being seen or understood and what Jesus would like to do about it.)

Examples of the work: the arbor angels will gather leaves, bark, and other material from the Tree of Life and fashion a tree “bandage” around the trunk that is missing its own bark. We have even seen angels remove these same bandages after they had been left on too long and began choking the tree. The angels will also remove dry, splintered, and thick bark. It can be like a “thick skin” or “callousness” within the person manifesting on their tree. Some holes are meant for heavenly creature occupation while ungodly holes are wounds or access points. The angels will use gold and the Tree of Life material to fill up and seal the hole.

6. Thank you, Jesus, that just as you are the vine and we are the branches, ___________’s tree branches are yours. Thank you for the branches and the protection and covering they create around _____________. We thank you that the arbor angels are now actively engaging _____________’s branches. We thank you for the revelation of the branches that need to be pruned and the branches that need to be bandaged. (Some branches will need to be cut off while others need to be repaired.) We thank you for the discernment to understand what ministry will be engaged and give the angels full jurisdiction to fulfill this assignment. As the branches are engaged, we thank you, Father, that they spread out into the places you would have them go. They are filled with the fruit of your Word, so that the people in ____________’s life may feed on it and be nourished, knowing You more (Genesis 49:22). Thank you, Father, that you cause these branches to spread out and grow towards You. Thank you for producing the flower and the fruit within and out of the tree’s branches. (The Word of God has a lot to say about branches that are not of His Kingdom. The branches are cut of, withered away, used for fire, and abandoned by those once using their shade of protection. It's important to encourage and minister life into the branches and declare their original purpose: worshipping God and feeding the nations/declaring God’s glory to the nations.)

Examples of the work: Branches will be pruned, branches will be bandaged with Tree of Life materials, branches will participate in usurpers or unauthorized animals, or hybrid composites being kicked out/removed from them, branches will invite heavenly animals and insects to dwell within them and the rest of the tree, branches will grow and/or produce leaves and fruit.

7. Thank you, Jesus, for your natural creation and flow of the xylem and phloem network running within the tree. From the tips of the roots to the tips of the leaves, you organize the structure, flow, and strength of the xylem and phloem system. We thank you that any disruption of your natural flow is found and exposed by the arbor angels. We thank you that living water flows throughout the tree’s vascular system. We also thank you that the minerals, nutrients, starches, and other elements of the tree’s sap is full and overflowing, just as your Word declares, “The righteous will flourish like the palm tree, will grow like a cedar in Lebanon. Planted in the house of the Lord, they will flourish in the courts of our God. They will still yield fruit in old age; they shall be full of sap and very green (Psalm 92:12-14 NASB). I invite ___________’s spirit to traverse the tree’s natural vascular system if he/she/they wish to do so.

8. Ask the client if they can see a seat of authority or throne in or on their tree. Invite them to take the throne and rule with Jesus and his rod of iron. If they cannot see the throne, ask Jesus to take them by the hand and lead them over to the tree’s throne.

If the person finds an entity sitting on their throne, you may have to do a “Freedom from Fallen Entity Prayer” from Prayers that Shake Heaven and Earth (Duval 2018) to have it removed. Consult with Jesus about the entity and what to do about it.

9. King Jesus, we thank you for your hand in this work. We ask that you show us anything else left undone that needs to be addressed today. We thank you that we stand in your Grace declaring your finished works over ___________ and his/her/their tree. We give you the praises and glory for the healing manifesting in _____________ and his/her/their tree. We seal this work with the seal of the Holy Spirit and declare it in every realm, age, timeline, and dimension, past, present, and future to infinities and beyond, eternities and beyond, and everything that could or could not exist in between, in Jesus’s name. Amen.

During most sessions, there was a need for a gradual shift out of the spirit or a peaceful permission (I am not sure what else to call it) to our bodies, souls, spirits, hearts, and parts to continue in the safe, garden place with Jesus. Although we come out enough to close the session, we allow those parts of us that need to stay with the tree and Jesus to do so to receive ministry or experience His presence further.

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