Sowing the Heart Prayer

This prayer was written in 2018. I had just been trained and released as a volunteer Servant Leader for BRIDE Ministries, and I was leading their Institute class: The Dimensions of Grace. I was exploring the parable of the Sower from Matthew 13 and began to see how we could apply the Grace of God, especially defined as the divine influence over the human heart, through Jesus as the Great Sower to the various heart conditions described and likened to types of land this parable presents: the wayside ground, the stony and hardened ground, the ground planted with tares, and the good ground. Using the scriptural truths depicted in the parable, this prayer creates ministerial language that can be applied to the human heart and its presenting conditions.
Father, I come boldly to your throne of grace to find grace and mercy in time of need. I thank you that your grace is the unmerited favor, your ability, your finished work, and the divine influence upon the heart. Thank you, King Jesus, for your presence and that you are Lion of Judah, Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Prince of Peace, and the most Beautiful among 10 thousand. Thank you, Aleph and Tav, Beginning and End, First and the Last, Alpha and Omega, and that you are also Sower of hearts.
I thank you that your grace, your divine influence upon my heart is the sowing of your good work and seed around, over, and into my heart. I thank you that wayside territory in my heart where seed has been spilled is guarded by your warring angels, and I declare the seed left will not be gobbled up, eaten, nor spoiled by birds, ravens, nor demonic or other dark entities in Jesus’s name. The seed is the word of God, and I declare his seed and word goes forth and accomplishes that for which it was sent and does not return to you void, Jesus. I thank you that this seed knows its assignment and timing, bringing forth good fruit in due season.
I thank you for moving to break up any fallow or stony ground in my heart. I thank you for removing stumbling blocks, boulders, stones or other hardening material within and on the ground. Thank you for preparing the territory of my heart to be good soil. I thank you, Lion of Judah for sending your angels on assignment to pull up any weeds, tares, thorns, thistles or any other plants not bearing seed nor fruit. I thank you that any roots of bitterness, offense, hatred, wrath, and any other poison or lie-producing plant is pulled out. I thank you that the weeds and barren plants that do not belong within Your jurisdiction of my heart’s territory are burned in the fire of Jesus Christ.
Thank you for the good soil you produce in my heart. Thank you for sowing your seed, your word into my heart. Thank you for imprinting your character and identity onto my heart. I thank you for the living waters that flow through my heart, nourishing the good seed and vegetation you’ve planted there. Thank you for feeding the land your manna, providing all the proper nutrients and minerals and promoting vital life function. Thank you for infusing the land of my heart with your heavenly gold dust, enhancing the frequencies of your heart.
I thank you that these frequencies align and synchronize my essence to you. I declare your word which states that when God begins a good work on a person, he continues till the day of the Lord, and I declare this process unending and continuously progressing into more vitality, territory acquisition, and presence of Jesus through my entire being: body, soul, spirit, essences, and virtues. I seal this work with the holy spirit and declare it in the name of Jesus. Amen.