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Lightning of God Prayer: Template Part 2

This is Part 2 of a two-part series that includes the prayer template created after several months' worth of client session work. Part 1 is the case study that more deeply explains the history and background of the prayer's construction and introductory application. and can be found by clicking Case Study or the Part 1 link below the Lightning of God Prayer Template.

The Lightning of God Prayer was written in 2022 specifically for an ongoing client I have worked with since 2021. She gave me permission to present her story as a case study within the BRIDE Ministries Trained & Selected coaching community. I want to share the case here as the background and introduction to the prayer.


Father, I come before you in the mighty name of Jesus to find grace and help in time of need. Thank you for transitioning me into your secret place, under the cleft of your wing, into your strong tower and high fortress. From this place, I declare your word that says you are my God, and I am yours, a part of your people. Since before I was born, I have been placed in your custody. You have cradled me throughout my days, and you have always been my God (Psalm 22:10). Yes, you formed me in my mother’s womb to be yours (Isaiah 49:5). Even before you formed me in the womb, you knew me, and before I was born, you consecrated me as yours (Jeremiah 1:5). You set me apart even from my mother’s womb and called me through your grace (Galatians 1:15). You formed all my inward parts (Psalm 139:13); therefore, I declare your original intent and design over my brain, especially the differing parts and system function of my brain related to serotonin and dopamine production and reuptake. I thank you for targeting the portions of my brain that was changed during mind control experiments, trauma, and/or electrical neural stimulation and artificial brain response creation, because Yeshua knows how I am made; He remembers that I am but dust (Psalm 103:14), and he reconstitutes me back into the way he imagined and framed my creation in the beginning.

I declare the arche of Jesus Christ overtakes and surrounds this secret ministry space you have placed me in. I thank you that it is charged with the names of God: Jehovah-Jireh, Jehovah-Rapha, Jehovah-Shammah, Jehovah-Nissi, Jehovah-Tsidkenu, Jehovah-Makkedesh, Jehovah-Ra’ah, Jehovah-Shalom, Jehovah-Gibbowr, Jehovah-Elohim, Jehovah-Sabaoth, Jehovah-Issuwz, Jehovah-Hoseenu, Jehovah-Quana, Jehovah-Chayil, Jehovah-Milchamah, El-Shaddai, El-Elyon, El-Olam, El-Roy, Yeshua Ha Mashiach. Thank you for the release of living waters throughout this space, and I declare that it is laced with the blood of Jesus, oil of anointing, and your liquid gold, increasing the resonance of your heavenly frequencies. Thank you that the Bright and Morning star is plugged into Jesus’s arche surrounding me, acting as a power core and supplying energy and glory to this secret ministry place.

Lion of Judah, thank you for the establishment of pocket realms tailored to minister to all rogue parts that would go out of body to create sabotage, ruination, disruption, or havoc. Not only are their evil assignments, agendas, and programs cancelled, but also their focus, attention, and target is Wonderful Counselor, directing the different activities across the special-tailored pocket realms. I declare a pocket realm in which the gospel of Jesus Christ is given, a pocket realm of cleansing and living water engagement, a pocket realm of honey, milk, bread, water, wine, and fruit, enhancing nutrients and health to original design, a pocket realm of nurture, care, and compassion, and a pocket realm with teamwork activities. I declare that any human parts found within this ministry space not found written in the Lamb’s Book of Life are dealt with and sent away by Yeshua himself. Thank you for giving your angels assignments and coordinates to assist in the gentle escort of all the parts to where they are being sent.

At this time, I invite my spirit to the surface to be present. I honor and bless you in the name of Jesus. I declare dignity and respect towards you and your ability to help me and my humanity while receiving instruction from Jesus. I invite you to hold the hand of the Lion of Judah now. After my spirit takes his hand, I ask Jesus to give invitation and coordinates to his angels aiding in this ministry. I declare these coordinates locate any and all portions of my humanity to be involved in this ministry work. Thank you for bringing my parts designated to this ministry just below the surface, and I invite them to hold the hands of Yeshua and my spirit. As everyone is all joining hands, I thank you ministry angels for giving them all fresh provisions of bread of life and living water. Thank you, Jesus, for ensuring all helping portions: body, soul, and spirit are all equipped and in good health for this ministry assignment.

I also invite the deep sleep of the Lord, Tardema, into the ministry space. Just as Yahovah put a deep sleep over Adam and Abram, I ask that you begin to put the parts of my body, soul, and spirit into the safe, deep sleep space that need your sweet sleep during this ministry. I am not asking for the entirety of my consciousness to be put to sleep. Thank you, to my human spirit for keeping the consciousness awake in a way that is full of peace and comfort yet awake and aware enough to discern anything malevolent on the inside or outside coming against this work. Thank you for placing your system-monitoring angels in place to relay all important system information pertaining to this work back to my human spirit and other parts of my humanity called to the work. Thank you that you have given me, my spirit, and my parts the tongue of the learned to communicate all functions of Jesus’s work today. As this deep sleep comes over my humanity, I thank you for bringing extra provisions of peace and comfort to my body. I also ask for extra angels to help hold my body in position as my brain receives the ministry and stimulation. I am not trying to cause the body to spasm or act out of control, but I ask you, Jesus, to securely support my body with your angelic army to assist with anything that would move the body out of the place.

Once deep sleep has fallen onto the human portions it was intended to overtake, I declare Yeshua has equipped his ministry angels with coordinates and lightning. I release the angels to go into the physical brain structure and take their proper positions. Once they are ready, I declare the release of the lightning of God to go into the brain and neural structures in the strategic and synchronized way Jesus has instructed. I declare that this is not a seizure-inducing protocol. This is a safe, comforting, and strategic manifestation of his word that declares, can you send lightnings that they may go forth and tell you, “We are here?” (Job 38:35). Thank you, lightning, for letting my spirit know when you have made it to your destination. As the lightning is moving through the neurons and their dendrites and synapses, I declare that this is not the instigation of seizure-like activity. This is gentle, strategic, and supernaturally releases the needed serotonin and dopamine and other elemental substances the body uses in healing its organs, tissues, and cells. I also release oil of joy in large quantities to aid the myelin sheath coating in protection and intercellular communication.

Thank you for lighting up the darkness and inner world. Your word says that you cast forth lightning, and scatter them: shoot out your arrows, and destroy them (Psalm 144:6), so thank you for scattering dark kingdom programs, entities, and thoughts that come against your kingdom people. Thank you for undoing the works of the enemy. As the lightning of God traverses the neural networks, I declare a release of the living water laced with the blood of Jesus and oil of anointing to travel behind the lightening to cleanse and purge all aspects of death, darkness, and evil technology. This purging erodes maladaptive, fear and trauma based neural pathways while creating new pathways based on Jesus’s life, love, glory, and grace. It purges my system of the cortisol, norepinephrine and other stress and fear based elemental substances used to electrically carve maladaptive or defiled neuronal communication pathways.

Lord, I thank you that this is a gentle, on-going process that allows me to engage with you at very deep levels while maintaining order, honor, and dignity to my humanity, human essences, human virtues in my body, soul, and spirit. Thank you that scribe angels are assigned to me to help organize any thoughts, connections, memories, voices, or concerns that are released to the surface for processing. Thank you, Jesus, for positioning me to receive your ministry in a way that I can receive what you are giving, exposing, and healing. Thank you for presenting face-to-face ministry to me in such a way that my parts and portions are not overwhelmed and not triggered to turn away and run or hide. I thank you that your processes encourage me to turn into you more and move closer to you. I align with your encouragement that gently stands me on the solid rock and foundation of my salvation and asks me to stay in that place with Jesus. Thank you for anchoring me to that place as each breath oscillation cycle moves your breath, blood, resurrection life power, and love deeper into my system.

I thank you that Your yoke is not heavy but light, and you ask me to walk with you and alongside you as I work with you to dig up and correct these deeper misalignments. Thank you for the simplicity of your grace, your ability, your finished works, your favor, and your divine influence upon my heart and your presence as I continue in faithfulness to you in my walk of repentance and sanctification. I honor you and believe you when you say that you will continue to do the good work you have begun inside me till the day of the Lord. I thank you; I magnify you; I praise and worship your name because you are worthy, holy, righteous, and just. In Jesus name, amen.


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