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Lightning of God Prayer: Case Study Part 1

This is Part 1 of a two-part series that includes a case study that explains the history and background of the prayer's construction and introductory application. Part 2 is the actual Lightning of God Prayer and can be found by clicking the linked prayer name or the Part 2 link below the Case Study.

The Lightning of God Prayer was written in 2022 specifically for an ongoing client I have worked with since 2021. She gave me permission to present her story as a case study within the BRIDE Ministries Trained & Selected coaching community. I want to share the case here as the background and introduction to the prayer.

CASE STUDY: What is a bias? Merriam-Webster defines it as “a prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person, or group compared with another, usually in a way considered to be unfair. It is also something that can cause a person to feel or show inclination or prejudice for or against someone or something.” I am introducing this case as a presentation of a bias Jesus pointed out in me. This case was very interesting to me personally because we are taught throughout this program and experience that we are to believe our clients and advocate for them. But what do we do when we are faced with advocating something for our clients that may go against an internal belief or conviction? This case will not only reveal the bias I have regarding our clientele, but also the victorious move of Jesus to get my eyes to focus from His perspective. Let me introduce my client.

Lynn Annon is a 48-year-old female that will turn 49 this year at the end of September. She grew up as an only child with her mother and father till they divorced when she was 15 years old. Her mother remarried to a man that had a son, and Lynn and her stepbrother remain close and in relationship to this day. Her father remarried at 17 years old and then had Lynn’s younger sister. Although she has supported and loved her sister, she does not have relationship with their father, and this has created a current wedge in their relationship. Lynn continues to process what to tell her sister from her childhood and what to keep to herself. She married in her 20s to her only daughter’s father. They later divorced and she remarried and remained in that unhealthy relationship till he passed away.

After her husband’s death, Lynn endured a season of homelessness that brought her to various shelters and other chaotic living situations until she finally qualified for housing assistance in 2020 and was able to get her current residency. She celebrates two years at this apartment in September.

Lynn has a high school diploma and some higher education. Her childhood was plagued by SRA, pedophilia, incest, child sex trafficking, mind control programming, and extreme trauma, abuse, and neglect from both maternal and paternal familial lines; however, the majority of the SRA, programming and trafficking was done by her father, her father’s brother, and older male cousins.

Lynn had struggled with major depression, self-harm, and bipolar diagnosed behavior most of her teenage and adult life. She did some work with Dr. B in 2018 while receiving other services referred to her by the Pennsylvania State Department of Human Services case worker. This included a regular psychiatrist prescribing her medications, secular support group services, and other counseling services to aid in her mental health. My mentioning these services now sets the stage for our first session in October 2021.

This client receives biweekly ECT sessions. According to the Mayo Clinic Staff, “Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is a procedure, done under general anesthesia, in which small electric currents are passed through the brain, intentionally triggering a brief seizure. ECT seems to cause changes in brain chemistry that can quickly reverse symptoms of certain mental health conditions.” The American Psychiatric Association further explains that this “medical treatment is commonly used in patients with severe major depression or bipolar disorder that has not responded to other treatments, and that it is typically administered by a team of trained medical professionals that includes a psychiatrist, an anesthesiologist, and a nurse or physician assistant;” all of which my client verifies in all of her experiences.

Lynn’s presenting issue was that she had reached a level of stability and had begun processing more of the past trauma, but after her mother passed in early 2021, she was not able to continue processing and was either in a dissociative fog or consumed by self-harm and suicidal thoughts. She also had a desire to communicate more with her internal parts and systems. Throughout her work with Dr. B, she had discovered several dominate parts that would come forward and engage with him while pushing Lynn’s consciousness and perspective back. She described it as watching things with binoculars and could not always hear nor experience the parts engagement. LC, another prayer partner that still checks in with Lynn spent time establishing several safe playroom areas for child parts, and Lynn had expressed she had not yet been able to get to those places herself.

From the beginning, we addressed all manner of vows, bondages, programs, and other brokenness with various prayer resources. We were clearing some of the atmosphere, but the self-harm and suicide ideation still lingered. My bias as we progressed through the sessions and prayer work was that the ECT was somehow reprogramming or resetting her from the prayer work we were doing. I would actively monitor her reports from the sessions, but this client was adamant about continuing to receive this type of service. There was about a 6-week season at the beginning of this year’s spring where she went back into an inpatient setting because the self-harm programming was causing her to cut again.

After the hospital stay, emotional flooding and broken memories seemed to be the biggest concern. She was figuring out that although the ECT was helping her feel better against the depression and self-harm, it left her short-term memory damaged, and trauma memories were becoming more broken than when she first started remembering. Again, I had a deep concern that the ECT was blocking or undoing some of the parts work we did in session. So, I finally began to ask her parts and Jesus to look at what was really going on during and after the ECT. This investigation to understand what was going on in her system began at the end of April 2022; however, answers did not come right away in these first sessions.

Lynn’s parts came back after an ECT session very excited to give me a new report. Although she had been put under with anesthesia, a part took control of the body and woke it up enough to tell the psychiatrist that the electrodes needed to be turned up because the brain needed a higher dose. My internal alarm went off again. I was convinced it was an internal programmer, but Jesus wanted to move in another area after this report.

At the end of May 2022, another part came forward to talk about the ECT, but this time, they requested extra oil for the brain to help it endure and heal itself after the treatment. Jesus showed up and then revealed another part that was actively blocking the electricity flow during the ECT. I was not vocal about my own internal convictions yet, but watching Jesus with this part left me dumbfounded, and He knew it. I was sure that this part was helping protect against the electricity, but Jesus moved her out of the way and spoke to her about how he needed the currents to flow into the places it was moving through. Jesus specifically spoke to her about the difference between electrical trauma and electrical therapy. He even portrayed his own electricity by showing her the lightning of God. This got my attention, and the grip I had on my biased opinion loosened. After this session, I looked up the word “lightning” in the bible and scanned the scripture quickly. My eyes fell hard onto Job 38:35, and my soul knew God the Father was specifically asking me, “Can you send lightnings into places that they would tell you, ‘Here we are?’”

By our next session in June, I had done some refresher research about ECT and what it does to the brain. Lynn and I discussed the research findings in comparison to her experience, and she confirmed the seizure-like feelings, the flooding sensations in the brain, then the reorientation back to feeling lighter instead of the heaviness of the depression. We then talked about some of the scripture that tied into the different elemental processes behind the ECT treatment. With the help of her parts and Jesus, we began to pull out the most important elements to create a prayer that could support this specific therapeutic modality. Thus, by July, The Lightning of God prayer was birthed.

We worked through the prayer that first time with some instant results and feedback. Lynn could see the angels and her spirit working with the lightning. She stated she felt vibrations along her head and skull. Her spirit also rose up in the middle of the prayer to send more lightning into her pituitary gland, amygdala, and the fear center. After the prayer, some of the main parts that had aided in not only the previous research and reports but also came forward and said that the ECT really was disrupting their engagement within the system and with Lynn as the presenter. They communicated that they missed their conversations with Dr. Bailey and longed to have sessions like that again. Jesus himself affirmed the parts that they could have conversations with one another any time.

The next session was mid-August, and she had more testimony from testing the prayer protocol. Due to the amount of fear she battles, she has chronic hypertension and even has to take medication at times to help slow her heart rate. The last few heart pressure measurements taken by other practitioners revealed more normal heart rates. This validated the difference she felt in her body. She also stated that the fog over her has finally lifted and feels she is finally waking up. Lynn also reported that her head no longer felt like a stadium of voices but instead seemed more like a nice living room with about ten people talking, but they try to take turns. She said the anxiety is also still present, but she can hear more internal pep talks inside that encourage her to just “get things over with instead of dwelling on what could go wrong.” Her parts are also listing off all the things God has done for her and them so far, and this motivates her to address external issues that need to be taken care of. We did go through the prayer again, and this run through produced even more peace.

She noted that the biggest difference with the second run, was the lightning was sent into her heart and her brain. We discussed the physical nature of the heart and the neurons that are almost like a little brain attached to the heart. This confirmed her vision, and she felt even more fear leave her body. At this time, we will continue to monitor her progress and stability as Jesus gives us more creative protocol specifically tailored to her needs.

I want to mention that I did take this prayer protocol outside this case scenario as another test. I have a second client that deals with very heavy major depression. We are constantly reclaiming lost and stolen joy. She gave me permission to test the prayer, and although she did feel some sensations around and inside her head and felt a clearing of her fog as well, this did not last. With her case specifically, I did not have the buy in from the internal system that I did with Lynn’s case and system. I look forward to testing the prayer again alongside extra parts work for more information regarding this technology.

TESTIMONY SINCE THE CASE: This prayer has been called on in numerous situations! I am still receiving feedback from students, coaches, and others using the prayer about the phenomenal results and encounters they have experienced. Due to this, I would not limit this prayer for depression or other clients that are engaging ECT. I have personally expanded my own usage to include utilizing this protocol against synthetic genetics, composites, and kingdoms, and artificial intelligence. This prayer can be used in the way Jesus is calling a person to use it, and I believe they will achieve desired results and experience faith-building encounters.

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