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Face-to-Face Prayer

This prayer was written in 2022, and to put it simply, its goal is to get a person into a direct face-to-face encounter with Jesus. This prayer uses some deeper application of scriptural truth while tapping into our body’s physical nature. The Father began to ask me, “What does breath do, Kendra?” I knew this was his invitation to research and come into an understanding of how to declare His truth and engage this type of ministry.

The first thing I learned was that our bodies engage in toxic removal when we exhale. I understood that we were exhaling carbon dioxide, but I did not realize the other forms of toxin expression an exhale released. I also understood that breath naturally has liquid particles floating amongst its gaseous elements. If we have droplets in our breath, and we are made in God’s image, it made sense to me that God’s breath would contain not only His Spirit but also His living waters. I like to lace living waters with the blood of Jesus and the oil of anointing to increase the power and lifeforce into the places the waters are going. Because the water is going into the mouth, esophagus, and lungs, I call forth the life into the natural breathing processes, and the oxygenation of a person’s blood and have the blood of Jesus bring his presence into the system, activating multifaceted healing processes.


Father, thank you for today and this ministry meeting space. Thank you for your presence in the midst of this place as I declare where two or more are gathered together in your name, there you are also. I have bold and confident faith in your presence overtaking and surrounding me as I fill the atmosphere with the magnification, worship and praise of your Holy Name, Jesus Christ, Lion of the tribe of Judah, Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. You are the Beloved in which I am found, the Most Beautiful Bridegroom and Kinsmen Redeemer. You are the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End, the Alpha and Omega, the Aleph and the Tav; you are the Lamb of God slain from the foundation of the world. All things were created by you and through you, and there was nothing created that was not of you. Jesus, you stand at the door and knock, and to the person that opens up to you, you come in and sup with them. And you rescue me and set me in large places. Your presence translates me into the secret place, under the cleft of your wing, in your strong tower and high fortress. Your frequencies of love and truth particle collapse all particle waves and ungodly frequencies in the atmosphere as your First Estate, in the Beginning, as you first imagined creation overtakes this ministry space.

Yeshua, thank you for your arche overtaking every place where I am physically, spiritually, digitally, synthetically, and everywhere Yahovah is. Thank you for the strategic positioning of your realms of encounter, living letters, essences, virtues, hosts of heaven, living stones, Bright and Morning Stars, Tree of Life, trees of righteousness, thrones, Throne of David, Throne of Grace, and the Mercy Seat as Mount Zion and the River of Living water flowing from the throne room interface with Jesus’s arche and this ministry space.

Thank you for the individual secret place manifestation, as you draw my humanity, human virtues, human essences, and all parts of me, body, soul, and spirit into a very gentle face to face encounter with you. To any of my human portions or human parts that are terrified, scared, panicked or in fear of a face-to-face encounter with Jesus, I request and issue to them Holy Spirit comfort blankets in their favorite colors and textures. Thank you that the blankets are infused with the weighted glory of God to help them feel grounded and secure. Thank you that the blankets also have their favorite smells, multiplying my comfort and surrounding me with the awe of God and pushing fear out of my being.

Thank you for offering all portions of my humanity in this space their daily bread, like an energy parcel straight from the mouth of God because your word says that man shall not live by bread alone but by every Word that proceeds from the mouth of Yahovah; therefore, all of my portions receive your daily bread and life and living water. Father, I thank you that angels are given assignments and coordinates and take any scared, confused, rogue, disruptive, sabotage, or dark kingdom loyal parts into other pocket realms of genuine encounter with you and your resurrection life power for ministry and safety and other places established for them.

Jesus, thank you for your breath and resurrection life power entering into the portions of my humanity that remain. All of the portions of my humanity, human essences, human virtues, DNA and RNA, body, soul, and spirit receive your breath with a deep inhale. And with the exhale, the processes of toxin release by breath supernaturally increases. I declare that each breath of God inhaled contains resurrection life and living water droplets laced with the blood of Jesus and the oil of anointing. Each breath also contains the needed heavenly stoicheion, elementals and living letters used for the specific deconstruction of ungodly ionic bonds while simultaneously reconstructing and bonding molecular structures back to the original design as intended by Jesus. With each breath, the living water, blood of Jesus, and oil of anointing push further into the lungs, engaging the capillaries and entering the blood stream. I declare that the blood of Jesus is taken to all cells and molecular structures on the inside and outside of the cells. Jesus, as your blood overtakes each cell and individual structure, I declare that the DNA and RNA of Jesus Christ are released too override, overwrite and correct the formulas, code, equations and data sets within the person’s DNA code and RNA sequences and protein communications and structures. We declare that the living letters and stoicheion engage the cells, molecular structures and protein communication particles and structures and vibrate them back into alignment with the Throne of the Most High God and original design as first imagined by Yeshua the Messiah.

With each deep inhale and slow exhale, I declare all networks activated and linked to Yeshua Ha’Mashiac. All vascular, neural, systemic, communication, and connective tissue pathways open, and the blood of Jesus traverses into and throughout all systems. At this time, I declare all ungodly marriage covenants that entangle my humanity, human virtues, and human essences down into the atomic structuring are now exposed. I declare this exposure reveals all places on the inside and around me that are composites of me and other things at war with each other.

I confess that my own humanity has been at war with itself, creating even more disunity and confounding my own will. I repent and renounce this warring, self-hatred, and all bitter roots of disunity and invite the Unity of the Spirit to traverse all paths, bonding all portions in the ionic bond of peace and taking all parts to places of ministry and safety to receive all truth about quarrels, misunderstandings, and faulty beliefs and programming.

As this continues, Jesus, I thank you that simultaneously, your blood travels deep into the bone structures where you cause the creation of the bone marrow. At this time, if there have been any bones stolen, removed, defiled, or being contended over, I declare to the contenders, hoarders, thieves, holders, and other involved entities, “The Lord rebuke you!” I call back all bones, parts that are bones, skeleton parts, dry, and desolate bones to come forth into your proper places! Just as Jesus commanded Satan and Hades and other places to give up their dead, I are calling out for all physical, synthetic, digital, spiritual, and astral entities and their essences, realms, and kingdoms to return the dead and bones back to Yeshua who calls forth to them. Jesus, as they return and enter into this deep bone marrow space with you, I declare that your blood cells overtake each cellular replication site involved in creating specific types of blood cells. Thank you for dismantling nonhuman blood cell replication while enhancing human blood cell replication. Jesus, thank you that your red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, blood particles, and all the different variations and classifications of each blood cell type begin to replicate after their own kind, increasing Your presence in my midst. Thank you for the assignments given to the various cells to attach to, communicate, and dance with other blood and body cells throughout my entire system. This increase of your blood in the vascular system supernaturally increases the dismantling of enemy and ungodly molecular structures.

Thank you that this whole process continues with each deep inhale and slow exhale. I also enlist your heavenly host to traverse the airwaves and vascular systems throughout the body equipped with the Razor of the Lord and the Sword of the Spirit to cut any remaining ungodly entanglements. I also declare them equipped with the Hammer of the Lord to smash any stubborn ionic bonds that were never meant to be bonded. I loose the channels of Holy Fire to purge and cleanse any remaining residue, and I release the Grace vacuums and the whirlwind of the Lord to suck up all miasmas, smart dust, and star dusts that do not belong or have been abusing the humanity, human essences, and human virtues. I declare that all structures, essences, portions, virtues, DNA, RNA, synthetic materials, digital structures, or code that is being collected and purged by the angels is taken to the places determined for it by Jesus Christ.

I also thank you for the Living Water and the Oil of Anointing engaging the fascia connective tissue. Father, I thank you for water and oil mingling and bringing life into the dry and desert places. Thank you that the oil seeps gently into the places and cracks of hiding behind any walls of separation. Father, as this oil seeps into the deep places of sub and un-consciousness, the gentle Shema candle and Love of God meets those places in a gentle way that loosens tension, washes away pain, and acts as a conductor to release any stored electricity or electrical trauma. I thank you that your Mighty Right Arm reaches into the deepest places very gently and helps tenderly knead the stone terrain of the connective tissues back into pliable and flexible conditions, allowing the humanity, human essences, and human virtues to be molded back into First Estate. As the Mighty Right Arm of Yeshua engages the stone terrains, I declare your word that says, “the days will come in which there will not be left one stone upon another which will not be torn down” as I ask you to examine in and around me every rock and leave none unturned, revealing and tearing down all ungodly alters, temples, or structures in order that you will build me up again as the true living stones intended for your genuine house of prayer and worship in which I worship you in spirit and in truth.

Lord, I thank you that this is a gentle, on-going process that allows me to engage with you at very deep levels while maintaining order, honor, and dignity to my humanity, human essences, human virtues in my body, soul, and spirit. Thank you that scribe angels are assigned to me to help organize any thoughts, connections, memories, voices, or concerns that are released to the surface for processing. Thank you, Jesus, for positioning me to receive your ministry in a way that I can receive what you are giving, exposing, and healing. Thank you for presenting face-to-face ministry to me in such a way that my parts and portions are not overwhelmed and not triggered to turn away and run or hide. I thank you that your processes encourage me to turn into you more and move closer to you. I align with your encouragement that gently stands me on the solid rock and foundation of my salvation and asks me to stay in that place with Jesus. Thank you for anchoring me to that place as each breath oscillation cycle moves your breath, blood, resurrection life power, and love deeper into my system.

I thank you that Your yoke is not heavy but light, and you ask me to walk with you and alongside you as I work with you to dig up and correct these deeper misalignments. Thank you for the simplicity of your grace, your ability, your finished works, your favor, and your divine influence upon my heart and your presence as I continue in faithfulness to you in my walk of repentance and sanctification. I honor you and believe you when you say that you will continue to do the good work you have begun inside me till the day of the Lord. I thank you; I magnify you; I praise and worship your name because you are worthy, holy, righteous, and just. In Jesus name, amen.

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