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Attachment Prayer

This prayer was written in the Spring of 2021 after running up against really tough shell programming and client disconnect within ministry sessions right after I launched Grace & Joy Coaching. There was such a need to address maladaptive attachment and trauma bonding that had seared the physical brains of my clients. I also understood how the heart had a neuronal sack that biologists had dubbed the “heart brain” (Alshami, 2019). The "intrinsic cardiac nervous system" is composed of approximately 40,000 neurons that are like neurons in the brain, meaning that the heart has its own nervous system, and it communicates with the brain neurologically, biochemically, biophysically, and energetically! This heart brain in clients was also marked with maladaptive attachments and trauma bonding.

I am also fascinated with the neurobiology and physiology of the brain. I like to understand what portions of the brain actively participate in and orchestrate specific behaviors or reactions. This fascination coupled with a chronic problem hindering session work motivated me to dig into the research in the neurophysiology behind attachment bonding. I wanted to know what parts of the brain were involved in attachment bonding while in the womb and during early development.

I wanted to dig into any form of bonding as well due to the nature of trauma-based mind control and programming. Depending on the severity of trauma or ritualistic abuse, programming can have portions of our humanity so dehumanized that it believes it’s nothing more than a rat or other animal and will play out those creatures’ forms of attachment or parental bonds. The prayer addresses parasitic bonds and other maladaptive and non-human forms of bonding by calling out the specific parts of the brain and releasing Jesus’s love protocol.

I lean heavily into the scripture about God’s heavenly streets being paved with gold in Revelation 21:21. I make a connection between streets or roads and the neural networks of firing brain cells when belief systems and behavioral patterns are in operation. I believe that Jesus can release his gold into a believers system and not only build new neural networks and attachment brain pathways that connect to Him but also crush, completely dismantle, and erode from the brain the maladaptive attachment and trauma bonding. As the gold is released, I then lean heavily into the scientific research. I call out the specific parts of the brain involved in attachment learning, programs, and behavior and all their processing components.

Once this is done, the language walks a person through reattachment to Jesus Christ. The prayer ends by intentionally leaving a person in the care and gentle embrace of the Lover of my soul because the goal is to breakthrough anything blocking a person from experiencing the love and presence of Jesus.


Father, I come before you in the mighty name of Jesus to find grace and help in time of need. Thank you for transitioning me into your secret place, under the cleft of your wing, into your strong tower and high fortress. From this place, I declare your word that says you are my God, and I am yours, a part of your people. Since before I was born, I have been placed in your custody. You have cradled me throughout my days, and you have always been my God (Psalm 22:10). Yes, you formed me in my mother’s womb to be yours (Isaiah 49:5). Even before you formed me in the womb, you knew me, and before I was born, you consecrated me as yours (Jeremiah 1:5). You set me apart even from my mother’s womb and called me through your grace (Galatians 1:15). You formed all my inward parts (Psalm 139:13); therefore, I declare your original intent and design over my brain, especially the differing parts and system function of my brain related to attachment.

I declare the arche of Jesus Christ overtakes and surrounds the secret place you have placed me in. I thank you that it is charged with the names of God: Jehovah-Jireh, Jehovah-Rapha, Jehovah-Shammah, Jehovah-Nissi, Jehovah-Tsidkenu, Jehovah-Makkedesh, Jehovah-Ra’ah, Jehovah-Chayil-Milchamah, Jehovah-Shalom, Elohim-Bashamayim, Elohim-Kedoshim, El-Rachum, El-Channun, El-Shaddai, El-Elyon, El-Olam, El-Roy, Yeshua Ha Mashiach. Thank you for the release of living waters throughout this space, and I declare that it is laced with the blood of Jesus, oil of anointing, and your liquid gold, increasing the resonance of your heavenly frequencies. Thank you that the Bright and Morning star is plugged into Jesus’s arche surrounding me, acting as a power core and supplying energy and glory to this secret ministry place.

Lion of Judah, thank you for the establishment of pocket realms tailored to minister to all rogue parts that would go out of body to create sabotage, ruination, disruption, or havoc. Not only are their evil assignments, agendas, and programs cancelled, but also their focus, attention, and target is Wonderful Counselor directing the different activities across the special-tailored pocket realms. I declare a pocket realm in which the gospel of Jesus Christ is given, a pocket realm of cleansing and living water engagement, a pocket realm of honey, milk, bread, water, wine, and fruit, enhancing nutrients and health to original design, a pocket realm of nurture, care, and compassion, and a pocket realm with teamwork activities. I declare that any human parts found within this ministry space not found in the Lamb’s Book of Life are dealt with and sent away by Yeshua himself. Thank you for your angels given assignment and coordinates to assist in the gentle escort of all the parts to where they are being sent.

Father, I declare that you have calmed and quieted my soul, like a weaned child with its mother; like a weaned child is my soul within me (Psalm 131:2). You restore my soul, cause me to lie down in green pastures and lead me beside still waters, that your goodness and mercy shall overtake me (Psalm 23). Because of the inability of my biological parents and other defiled guardians, my brain did not develop healthy attachments to you, Jesus. So, I thank you for fulfilling the role as my alloparent, my genuine caregiver and true target of my attachment bonding. I thank you that it is spiritually and scientifically proven that the biopsychosocial brain response can be healed and regenerated back to your original design, and I engage this ministry to my physical brain, my soul’s brain and my spirit’s brain as you sanctify me wholly, body, soul, and spirit. I thank you, El Shaddai, for not only your Fatherhood, but for the shadaim, the nourishment of the breasts and womb, and I choose to look upon you as I receive acceptance, love, and milk while your author the appropriation of colostrum and other nutrients in the brains.

Father, thank you for the release of Your heavenly gold from the store houses within the prefrontal cortex. I declare the gold laced with your prescribed amounts of oxytocin and dopamine, increasing the higher functioning creation and maintenance of healthy attachment bonding to you Jesus. Father, I declare that the mingling of your heavenly gold and specific hormones increases the brain plasticity of the neural pathway attaching me to you. Thank you, Jesus, that the gyri and sulci of my brain’s cerebral cortex are strategically plugged into your liquid gold store houses, and that it is released with your coordinates and assignment to traverse and pave the neural road from you to my midbrain and brainstem. Your call to me sends the gold straight into my hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis activity system, and I learn your voice and frequency.

As in the womb, you create and fold my neural tube, teaching my newly formed tissue to orchestrate their organ’s necessary life functions. You asked my body to learn to live for you through the neural tube as it shaped the brain stem and midbrain. You began my personalized biobehavioral synchrony with you, Jesus. Thank you for multiplying my synapses and neurons predisposed to attachment bonding with you and their myelinization process enhanced by your holy anointing oil. We specifically call out the medium spiny neurons and their dopamine activity that stimulates the oxytocin producing neurons and their dendrites located in my hypothalamus. I declare their stimulation and engagement with this ministry right now.

I declare this exclusive attachment with Jesus integrates subcortical reward with higher-order representational components, meaning the pathways secured by your gold from the amygdala, hippocampus, and hypothalamus out to the basal ganglia are long-lasting and eternal. Thank you for traversing the path between the caudate and the nucleus accumbens cingulated cortex and between the globus pallidus and the hippocampus. Thank you for traversing the path between the amygdala and the anterior insula and the appropriate motor-behavioral cerebral cortex. I also engage the caudate as the hub of reinforcement learning, goal-directed action, and weighing the relative values of outcomes and declare it uploaded with heavenly algorithms of attachment, acceptance, compassion, care, and gentleness from Jesus and myself. As this programming spreads and my Yahweh loyal parts learn Jesus’s attachment, compassion, care, and gentleness, truly mirroring Jesus’ bonding, I declare they teach, bond, and attach to other parts, not only increasing attachment bonding to Jesus, but also overriding shame, self-hatred, and self-destructive programming with self-care, self-compassion, self-acceptance and self-gentleness. I also thank you that this manifestation of your glory spreads through my central nervous system and sympathetic nervous system on earth as it is in heaven.

I now move to establish the biobehavioral synchrony in my human attachment bonding to Jesus. I declare my behavioral synchronization with Jesus in eyes, affect, voice, frequency, and touch. I declare my brain and body behaviors mirror the tenderness and gentleness like a nursing mother nursing and taking care of her own children (1 Thess 2:7). I receive his feelings of love and care as they promote attachment behaviors in me: smiling, laughter, drawing closer to Jesus, and receiving more from him. I declare my heart is coupled and synchronized with his heartbeat during this interaction and engagement with Jesus, increasing the frequencies of attachment and love traversing the gold-plated neural pathways. I declare that as Jesus picks me up and tenderly and gently embraces my being and essence, my endocrine system coordinates with his, eliciting appropriate oxytocin release at the neuron and the dendrite sites along the hypothalamus. I declare brain-to-brain synchrony with Jesus, coordinating my brain oscillations in alpha and gamma rhythms to match his frequency and promote internal harmonization.

At the establishment of your heavenly gold neural streets within my brain structures, I declare your living water laced with the blood of Jesus and oil of anointing loosed in areas of defiled, maladaptive, or counterfeit human attachments, existing to repurpose the defiled basic machinery and programming established by the biological parent–offspring trauma bonds. I specifically call out animalistic bonds and attachments based on the biology, including attachment bonds that are olfactory-based, nest-bound, and hormone-dependent; animalistic/parasitic parental bonds that are non-exclusive, subcortical, and short lived. Any romantic bonds that are mating-based and non-exclusive. I also call out any defiled attachment bonds that are expectations-based, group-living bound such as cult affiliation bonding, and hormone primed but not dependent bonding. As your waters flow through these specific locations of neural connectivity, I declare that the water erodes their paths and cleanses the sites of the norepinephrine and cortisol neurons and receptors, calming their excitability and reactivity. As the hormonal levels drop and the water erodes, the connectivity and communication between the trauma feelings, responses, and bonding dissolve and dissipate.

I cover and seal the moment of this ministry engagement and godly intervention in all of my timelines with your heavenly gold. I declare that I am securely attached to Jesus, and he said he would never leave me nor forsake me. I decree it is locked down and blocked from all tampering and resets by heavenly protection. I close every unholy door known and unknown, seen and unseen, and call them completely sealed from this point in time and out of time, forward and backward and in every direction, inside out, upside down, back and forth, reversed, inverted, and vortexed, in Jesus’s name. I decree that all theft of energy, life force, or any other godly blessing must be returned a hundredfold. I ask for recompense on behalf of me and all whom I represent. I render secure attachment to Jesus Christ established in all infinities of infinities and beyond, eternities of eternities and beyond, and time wheels that exist, once existed, and could or could not exist, and everything in between, on all sides of creation, and in all multiverses. Amen.

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