Grace & Joy Coaching participates in and engages several forms of personal, corporate, and creation ministry. This involves personal inner healing and deliverance sessions, corporate worship and prayer events, banner walking and praise, and art. We also link arms with individuals or corporate bodies to bring deliverance and territorial warfare to their lands, homes, buildings, and businesses and claim them for the Kingdom of God.
Kendra offers one on one prayer coaching ministry focusing on inner healing, deliverance, and deprogramming. She understands dissociation and other effects of broken-heartedness and what helps lead people into safe and stable interactions with themselves and their full expression of humanity and God.
Kendra has crafted many prayer templates with focused language that help minister to specific needs and concerns presented in the coaching or corporate settings. These prayers and writings are presented freely in the Grace & Joy Coaching Blog!

Land Ministry
Grace & Joy Coaching has been invited to many different territories to pray over land, waters, air waves, trees, clouds, fires, electrical grids, and much more! Kendra has been praying for land since 2015, and God continues to expand her understanding and toolbox in order to successfully accomplish the reconciliation of creation back to the Father through Jesus.
Prophetic Art
Art in and of itself is an expression and communication our humanity can engage when words cannot convey or hold the story. Prophetic expression of art and movement is explored by Grace & Joy Coaching on a personal and interpersonal level. Kendra loves to share personal works and guide others into their own unique expressions with various colors, paint, watercolor, chalk, pencil, body movement, and even words and graphic design!

Client Satisfaction Policies:
Prayer Coaching session hours remain 100% refundable upon receipt of cancellation notice up to 24 hours. Within the 24 hours till appointment time, the client may receive a 50% partial refund for cancellation. Any cancellation notice received at the time of the appointment or after is not subject to a refund.